10th Annual Michigan 24 - 2023


The 10th Annual Michigan 24 Hour Endurance race is rapidly approaching! To ensure participants have adequate time to plan and prepare for the race, dates for the race will be Saturday April 29th and Sunday April 30th. The track will be available to teams for practice/tuning all day on Friday, April 28th.


While rules for the 2023 event are basically the same as prior years, there are a few changes. Refer to the yellow highlighted sections for new rules or clarification of existing rules.
2020 Michigan 24 Rules - Ver. 1.1

Registration - ***IMPORTANT***

We currently have at least 5 teams interested in participating. Teams that participated in the 2019 Michigan 24 will have a spot reserved until Feb. 15, 2023. Cost is $50.00 per team member. Teams must have a minimum of 4 members and no more than 7 members. Please note the entry fee includes actual racers and non-racers (e.g. dedicated track marshall, dedicated builder/mechanic). For teams that participated in the 2019 race who wish to race in the 2023 event, a $100.00 deposit must be received by Feb. 15, 2023 to secure your spot. Teams whose deposit is not received by the Feb. 15, 2023 deadline will forfeit their spot and the next team on the list will be given the opportunity to participate.

If you have any questions please feel free to ask here so everyone has a chance to see your questions. Odds are if you have a questions someone else may be wondering the same thing.

Event Poster